Thursday, 19 March 2015

Epub⋙: Awake As In Ancient Days: The Christ-Centered Kundalini Yoga Experience by Felice Austin

Awake As In Ancient Days: The Christ-Centered Kundalini Yoga Experience by Felice Austin

Awake As In Ancient Days: The Christ-Centered Kundalini Yoga Experience

Awake As In Ancient Days: The Christ-Centered Kundalini Yoga Experience by Felice Austin PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

“Awake as in the ancient days” is a quote from Isaiah 51:9 in the Hebrew Bible, and the phrase is repeated in the Book of Mormon. It is clear from the many scriptural references to awakening that the ancients, and especially Jesus Christ were concerned about the state of sleepwalking through life. The ancient science of Kundalini Yoga, preserved for millennia and only recently taught openly in our day, is a wonderful technology for renewing the mind, purifying the heart, elevating the spirit, and awakening the divine potential within. Never at any time has this technology been more necessary and complementary to a faith-based life. Scriptural, yogic, and modern prophecies suggest that we have entered a new age of humanity. Life is accelerating, and all things are in commotion as we prepare to usher in the thousand years of peace. Join Nam Joti Kaur (Felice Austin) as she unravels layers of Christ’s teachings, her own story, and the stories of other faithful Saints on the Christ-centered Kundalini Yoga journey.

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