Diversity, Oppression, and Change: Culturally Grounded Social Work by Flavio Francisco Marsiglia, Stephen Kulis
Diversity, Oppression, and Change: Culturally Grounded Social Work by Flavio Francisco Marsiglia, Stephen Kulis PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
The fully-updated second edition of Diversity, Oppression, and Change introduces readers to the practice of culturally grounded social work and closely examines the diversity issues most relevant for practice, policy, and research in social work and allied fields. In order for a social worker to affect positive change, it is critical to understand how the intersectionality of social factors including race, ethnicity, social class, gender, sexual orientation, and ability status affect not only the client but also the social worker.The authors of this book unpack the complex theory-based concepts related to oppression and privilege so that readers can learn to appropriately address the impact of historically-based oppression for certain groups and communities. Working with these communities to identify oppressive conditions, culturally grounded social workers facilitate real and lasting social change that will result in a more just society.
Features of the new edition: New! Chapter on cultural and social determinants of well being; New! Global focus including extensive coverage of Canadian content; New! Content on identity theory and expanded content on LGBTQ issues; New! Coverage of recent political and social developments including TANF, the Affordable Care Act, and ADA; Expanded content on Anti-oppressive Practice (AOP); Twice as many 'Notes from the Field' features that provide concrete examples of the many variations and nuances embedded in culturally prescribed norms, values, behaviors, beliefs, and experiences.
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